How do we enrich our lives and expand our capacity for enlightenment? We get out of our respective bubbles and see how the rest of the world lives, that's why travel is so important. Unlike the stuff we collect that we can't take with us, experiences are different, this is what makes us who we are. The good and the bad, the successes and mistakes, we learn from it all and it becomes who we are in many ways.
We can look to the children for an example of how to experience life, with curiousity and awe. If we lose that ability to see even old familiar things in a new way, we limit our lives, and why would we limit ourselves unnecessarily?
The Stuff You Can Take With!!
Here are some links to articles/blogs for you to start your own research:
Suggestions for Experiences
1. Travel - if you get the chance, go as much as you can, while you're there take in the food, language, lifestyles of the locals, history & customs and the area. If you cannot travel for whatever reason, watch shows or read about the way people around this planet live, it will broaden your outlook on life.
2. Try New Stuff - do you go to the same places over and over? Do you travel down the same roads to get to the same old destinations? Just shake it up a bit, try a different restaurant, a different street, a different show, just get out of your comfort zone and see if you can shake that rut!
3. Make the best of what doesn't go your way - ever have one of those times when something goes wrong and when you look back on it, it turns out to be an amazing experience that you tell everyone about? Maybe try to stay in that mindset when things don't go to plan. If you can, think to yourself "Ha Ha, this is something I'll laugh about for a long time!"
4. Learn from your mistakes - don't we all have that person in our life who keeps making the same mistakes over and over? Newsflash - It's exhausting for the rest of us. If you're that person, please understand those around you are hurt when you hurt, so, stop it, you're being selfish! Get help if you need it, listen to the friends and family that have been there for you! Understand we all learn more from our mistakes than our successes because humans tend to veer away from the pain associated with mistakes. If we take a minute to forgive ourselves, expand our knowledge base and help others (hence this website) the world becomes a way better place for everyone, especially you! Win-Win!!!
5. Embrace the concept that life is not fair, you will experience some things you'll wish you could've skipped, but that's just life, deal with it and stop trying to blame others for what you feel you don't deserve.
6. Balance - this is the thing, priorities bring opportunities for experiences, if you're staying home to clean while the rest of your buddies are on a fun hike in a new locale, maybe time to re-evaluate, I don't know anyone who has on their tombstone, "Here lies XXXXX, they had the cleanest house in town". Try to think of yourself later in life looking back on it to determine your priorities. That being said, don't let your house turn into a pig sty either, remember it's all about balance. Maybe it can just wait a bit, go hike, clean a little later. Seize the Day!!!
Full disclosure: I am not a travel professional or guru, just lived a lot of life and found travel and experiences suggestions wonderful for me, hope it will help you!